Brown Trout
The length of the fish supplied is measured from the nose to the tip of the tail. Average length means that a 10 inch fish will include a 9 - 11 inch fish with the average being 10 inches or more. Likewise an 11 inch fish will include 10 - 12 inch fish and so on.
All fish over 9 inch are inspected and measured individually whilst under anaesthetic. This practice not only insures quality control but also means that the customer received exactly what is ordered and most importantly that the fish are handled with the minimum of stress and damage. The use of anaesthetics has not been found to be detrimental to the fish in any way.
Please enquire for our price list.
Rainbow Trout
Rainbow trout are sold by the weight. Fish that are sold by the weight are treated in a similar careful manner as the brown trout.
Please enquire for the price list.
Blue Trout, Tiger Trout & Spartic Trout
A limited amount are available, please enquire.
As of 2020, we are now able to offer triploid eyed ova. All species available but due to the complexity of transporting them, collection is required.
Please enquire for the price list.